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Evolution of CSS Layouts

Students will learn how websites were made back in the days and why you shouldn't do it like this any more. And also about how they are being made up now and what is the advantage of modern methods.

This is useful to know, because you can find outdated code in real projects and when searching for information on the web.

After a short introduction into the history of web, I demonstrate how tables, floats and inline-block works and explain their shortcomings. And after that, flexbox and grids with their advantages and disadvantages.

The lecture uses several slides at the beginning. But most of the class is live code. I show the implementation of the classic two-column design on different layouts to make it easier to understand the differences and pros/cons of each technology.

Held this lecture at Yandex.Practicum and SkillFactory.

You can check out the lecture summary and presentation here: